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14th GLOBAL CONFERENCE on IPT. TIJUANA,B.C.,MEXICO. October 1 - 6, 2018

We at the European Academy for Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT/IPTLD) are honored to invite you to the 2018 global conference on Insulin Potentiation Therapy: Current trends in the management of solid cancer tumors using IPTLD/IPT.

Among the other institutions involved in this event include the Department of Functional Medicine at Hospital Angeles Tijuana and Cancer Federation Inc.
The purpose of the conference is to share knowledge of all those whose interests lie in the nature of treating with IPTLD/IPT malignant solid tumors affecting abdominal and thoracic organs
The abstracts of the conference as well as selected principal papers will be published in volume 2018 of the Archives in website for your future reference.

Among the broad topic areas in this call for abstracts include establishing a correct diagnosis, use of specific blood tests including tumor markers, patient selection and criteria por specific treatment. Surgery to reduce tumor load and patient selection. Management of tumor recurrences and exophytic tumors.

We welcome your participation in this event and I personally welcome your enquiries and suggestions. In the meantime, please check out our website for more details:

Should you have any questions about the nature and form of the abstracts or pertaining to the larger papers, please feel free to connect with me at: 

We hope to meet each of you at HYAT PLACE HOTEl Tijuana in October 2018.
Wish very best wishes,

Donato Perez Garcia, MD
The European Academy for IPT
Director Board of Education

2010-2018. Copyright © The European Academy for IPT.
Under license by Donato Perez Garcia, MD.

1930-2018. Copyright © Donato Perez Garcia, MD . IPT© / IPTLD®
Insulin Potentiation Therapy© or Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose® are Copyright & Trademark names registered by Donato Perez Garcia, MD.

Our mailing address is:

Blueprint & road_trip planner for the October 2018 Global Conference on Insulin Potentiation Therapy.2018 IPT Award. Official Directory of IPT/IPTLD Practitioners.

We at the European Academy for Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT/IPTLD) are honored to invite you to the 2018 global conference on Insulin Potentiation Therapy: Current trends in the management of solid cancer tumors using IPTLD/IPT.

Where: HOTEL HYATT PLACE TIJUANA. Tijuana,Baja California, Mexico.
When: October  1 - 6, 2018
To make a room reservation at HOTEL HYATT PLACE Tijuana call: +52-664-900-1234 . Local time is on Pacific Standard Time (PST). Website: . Ask for room rate: IPT Conference October2018 

How to get by plane into Tijuana, BC. Mexico.
If you fly out from: Europe, Central and South America
First flight (choose the airline of your preference to fly to Mexico and choose landing city), your city to any of this cities within Mexico:
Monterrey, NL.MEX
Mexico City,MEX
Guadalajara, GDL,MEX

Second flight, from any of the above cities to: Tijuana,BC.MEX
Airlines that provide direct flights: AEROMEXICO, VOLARIS, INTERJET

If you fly out of: Shanghai or Japan
AEROMEXICO, to Tijuana, BC.Mexico

Direct flight, daily, from London to San Diego. BRITISH AIRWAYS.
One or more stops. From your city select a first landing airport in USA ( New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Houston) continue to San Diego.
Once in San Diego contact for land and cross border transportation (Only by appointment to reserve your driver): 
For transportation from the San Diego Airport to Tijuana (round trip)contact 
1.- Trans Border Transportation YST: 
Phone USA:+1-619-250-0497 
Phone USA:+1-619-250-1116
Phone USA: +1-619-467-0987
The Academy for Insulin Potentiation Therapy webpage has a new look and a new Directory. This is the only directory that lists Insulin Potentiation therapy Certified Practitioners. If you are interested to list your professional practice and are an active member make sure you provide your updated professional information including a digital photo of you. You can also make plans to Certify your Clinic or Hospital and also list on the Directory of Certified Clinics & Hospitals.  Email your questions & info to:

Phone in Tijuana:+52-664-638-1261

REMEMBER TO BRING your valid passport & entry VISA if applicable to your passport/citizenship.

What else can you do after the IPT Conference:
1-Visit Valle de Guadalupe for a taste in local wines and taste of Baja-Med food eateries like La esperanza, Fauna, Deckman’s. You will need to make reservations to eat at this places as well as to visit 1 or more vineyards to taste wine.
2-Fly to San Miguel de Allende, declared the #1Worlds best city in 2018. Fly from Tijuana to Leon and then take a shuttle and stay in a Hotel to enjoy the warmth of this city.
3-Fly to Puerto Vallarta if you want to enjoy a few days in a Beach resort
4-Fly to Oaxaca also to visit the #6th World Best city
If you decide to fly to any of the 3 suggested cities upon your return to Tijuana’s airport if you have your return flight from San Diego CA, make sure you use the Cross Border EXPRESS CBX service to enter the USA in a few minutes just walking with your luggage across the Bridge and then take a cab to the San Diego airport.

We welcome your participation in this event and I personally welcome your enquiries and suggestions. In the meantime, please check out our website for more on the Insulin Potentiation Therapy Conference Program details. 
Once you enter into the Conference webpage: CLICK ON [SELECT A DATE} to start your registration process :

-You can Register to attend one or all of the following events (you need to scan some of your professional documents, a digital photo and if you have your IPT Certificate):
1-October 1 - 3, 2018 (9am-2pm). Three days with Dr.Donato Perez Garcia at the Hospital. Hands on patients, watch how IPT/IPTLD is administered to patients.
2-October 4,2018 (9am-5pm). One day IPT/IPTLD Training workshop with Dr.Donato Perez Garcia.
3-October 5 & 6,2018 (9am - 5pm) IPT/IPTLD Conference. You are also invited to present a paper. Email your presentation and get credits toward IPT Recertification.

You can also purchase the IPT/IPTLD manual on AMAZON :

If you already are an IPT/IPTLD Certified Practitioner you are also invited to join WhatsApp:

Check the updated webpage:

Follow the Academy in Twitter: @iptldacademy

Join the IPT Academy Facebook page:
Read the Academy for IPT Blog:

IPT Conference. October 2018 PROGRAM.
Paid fees are Non Refundable. Choose accordingly to your qualification and interest. 
Registration and Fees can only be accepted online. 

October 1 - 3, 2018 (8;45 AM - 2:30 PM)
Hands On training for IPT Certified Doctors ( limit of 12 participants).
Take part of this 3 day hands on training with Dr.Donato Perez Garcia and learn how to take care of patients during their IPT/IPTLD protocol.

October 4, 2018 (9 AM - 5PM)
IPT/IPTLD Training workshop. The Standard of Care using IPT/IPTLD with Donato Perez Garcia, MD.
This workshop is for medical doctors interested in learning insulin potentiation therapy or IPT/IPTLD. It is a one day intensive workshop describing the theory and science behind this medical procedure. This workshop is also for doctors who have been practicing IPT/IPTLD and need to re certify. 
More information: . Limited seating.

The Standard of Care using IPT/IPTLD with Donato Perez Garcia, MD.
1)Brief History about IPT/IPTLD
2)Introduction to IPT/IPTLD
3)Practice of IPT/IPTLD
4)Patient Selection
5)Patient screening (initial-pre-Tx-PostTX)
6)Patient management
8)Therapeutic Moment
9)Non treatment days program
10)Nursing Perspectives
10.1) Patient arrival
10.2) Supplies
10.3) Patient set up
10.4) Medications. Labeling
10.5) Start IV
10.6)Blood sugar monitoring. Pre- T.M- Post
10.7)Insulin administration.
10.8) Oral, IM medications
10.9)Monitoring common reactions to insulin.
10.11)Glucose 50% to end hypoglycemia & T.M.

Conference Program. (update as of July 9,2018)

Friday October 5, 2018
08:50 AM - Welcome by Donato Perez Garcia, MD & Hartmut Baltin, MD
09:00 AM - Martin von Rosen, MD
09:30 AM - Donato Perez Garcia, MD. Management of Osteosarcoma using IPTLD/IPT.
10:00 AM - Hartmut Baltin, MD
10:30 AM - Thomas Kroiss, MD
11:00 AM - Coffee Break
11:15 AM - Rebecca Ayre-Stealey
11:45 AM - Snejana Sharkar,ND
12:15 PM - Leonid Macheret, MD
12:45 PM - Lunch. Buffet
02:00 PM - TBA
02:30 PM - TBA
03:00 PM - TBA
03:30 PM - TBA
03:45 PM - Coffee Break
04:00 PM - TBA
04:30 PM - Academy for IPT Board Member Meeting. President Voting.

Saturday October 6, 2018
09:00 AM - Donato Perez Garcia, MD. Management of Colon Cancer using IPTLD/IPT
09:30 AM - Sergio Mascareno, MD. FACS. Hospital Angeles Tijuana. Breast cancer locally advanced ulcerative type. Therapeutic options. Combination of Surgery and IPTLD.
10:00 AM - Alejandro Martinez, MD. Oncologist. Hospital Angeles. Director Functional Medicine Department. Oncologist perspective a personal opinion on IPTLD as a treatment alternative for solid tumors.
10:30 AM - Rena Davis,ND. How to best use and prescribe supplements for patients & counseling
11:00 AM - Coffee Break
11:15 AM - TBA
11:45 AM - Insulin Potentiation Therapy Special Award Ceremony. Recipients of this Award are: Steven G Ayre,MD.(USA) received by daughter Rebecca Ayre-Stealey, RN. (USA). Thomas Kroiss, MD.(Austria) Sachihiko Okuno, MD.(Japan). Hartmut Baltin, MD(Germany). Christo Damyanov,MD (Bulgaria), Chris Duffield,PhD. (USA), Rena Davis, ND (USA), Lya Cole, Cancer Federation Inc.(USA) & Ross Hauser,MD (USA). 
*Dr.Ross Hauser will give a speech on behalf of all nominees to receive this special Award.

12:30 PM - Voting for 2019 Conference City ( Madrid, Spain; Bonn, Germany; Pretoria, South Africa)
12:45 PM - Lunch. Buffet
02:15 PM - Lectures open to the public/patients
02:15 PM - Donato Perez Garcia, MD. What is Insulin Potentiation Therapy and how can it help me recover my health
02:45 PM - TBA
03:15 PM - TBA
03:45 PM - Gustavo Jimenez. Cancer survivor since 1984. Testimonial
04:15 PM - Coffee Break
04:45 PM - Lya Cole. Cancer Federation Inc. Supporting IPTLD/IPT patients
05:15 PM Close of the IPT Annual Conference

07:30 PM - Gala Dinner only for Recipients of IPT Award

If you have been selected to receive an AWARD for your contributions to communicate with colleagues and lay people the knowledge on the medical procedure called Insulin Potentiation Therapy or IPT/IPTLD. Please respond to your personal invitation email and make plans to attend the Award Ceremony on October 6, 2018.

For those looking for published articles in peer review literature about Insulin Potentiation Therapy. 
List of publications and essays on IPT, also Supportive Studies – Published clinical and in-vitro studies that support the use of  insulin as a biologic response modifier.

1)Poster Presentation at the Third Annual Comprehensive Cancer Management Conference, Washington, DC June 2000
Primary Breast Conserving Treatment for Breast Cancer Using Biologic Response Modification with Insulin in Combination with Non-Toxic Low-Dose Chemotherapy. Steven G. Ayre, M.D.

2)Insulin Shows Promise
Oncology News, 1991, 17(4):1,7

3) Ayre SG, Perez Garcia y Bellon D, Perez Garcia Jr D.  Neoadjuvant low-dose chemotherapy with insulin in breast carcinomas.  Eur J Cancer. 26:1261-2, 1990

4) Ayre SG, Perez Garcia Y Bellon D, Perez Garcia Jr D.  Insulin potentiation therapy:  a new concept in the management of chronic degenerative disease.  Medical Hypotheses 20:199-210, 1986

5) Lippman ME, Dickson RB, Kasid A, et al.  Autocrine and paracrine growth regulation of human breast cancer.  J Steroid Biochem 24:147-154, 1986

4) Hilf R.  The actions of insulin as a hormonal factor in breast cancer.  In:  Pike MC, Siiteri PK, Welsch CW, eds.  Hormones and Breast Cancer, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1981, 317-337.

6) Cullen JK, Yee D, Sly WS, et al.  Insulin-like growth factor receptor expression and function in human breast cancer.  Cancer Res 50:48-53, 1990

6) Holdaway IM, Freisen HG.  Hormone binding by human mammary carcinoma.  Cancer Res 37:1946-1952, 1977

7) Papa V,  Pezzino V, Constantino A, et al.  Elevated insulin receptor content in human breast cancer.  J Clin Invest 86:1503-1510, 1990

8) Sporn MB, Todaro GJ.  Autocrine secretion and malignant transformation of cells.  N Engl J Med 308:487-490, 1980

9) Jaques G, Rotsch M, Wegmann C, et al.  Production of immunoreactive insulin-like growth factor 1 and response to exogenous IGF-1 in small cell lung cancer cell lines.  Exp Cell Res 176:336-343, 1988

10) Nakanishi Y, Mulshine JL, Kasprzyk PG, et al.  Insulin-like growth factor-1 can mediate autocrine proliferation of human small cell lung cancer cell lines in vitro.  J Clin Invest 82:354-359, 1988

11) Lee PDK, Rosenfeld RG, Hintz RL, Smith SD.  Characterization of insulin, insulin-like growth factors I and II, and growth hormone receptors on human leukemic lymphoblasts.  J Clin Endocr Metab 62:28-35, 1986

12) Colman PG, Harrison LC.  Structure of insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 receptors on the insulinoma cell, RIN-m5F.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun 124:657-662, 1984

13) Zapf J, Froesch ER.  Insulin-like growth factors/somatomedins:  structure, secretion, biological actions and physiological role.  Hormone Res 24:121-130, 1986

14) Papa V, Constance CR, Brunetti A, et al.  Progestins increase insulin receptor content and insulin stimulation of growth in human breast carcinomas.  Cancer Res 50:7857-7862, 1990

15) Stewart AJ, Johnson MD, May REB, Westley RB.  Role of insulin-like growth factors and the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor in the estrogen-stimulated proliferation of human breast cancer cells.  J Biol Chem 265:21172-21178, 1990

16) Eppenberger U.  New aspects in the molecular growth regulation of mammary tumors.  In:  Eppenberger U, Goldhirsch A, eds.  Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 113:  Endocrine Therapy and Growth Regulation of Breast Cancer.  Berlin-Heidelberg, 1989, 1-3

17) DeLeon DD, Bakker B, WIlson RL, et al.  Demonstration of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I and IGF-II) receptors and binding protein in human breast cancer cell lines.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun 152:398-405, 1988

18) Karey KP, Sirbasku DA.  Differential responsiveness of human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and T47D to growth factors and 17B-estradiol.  Cancer Res 48:4083-4092, 1988

19) King GL, Kahn CR, Rechler MM, Nissley SP.  Direct demonstration for separate receptors for growth and metabolic activities of insulin and multiplication-stimulating activity (an insulin-like growth factor) using antibodies to the insulin receptor.  J Clin Invest 66:130-140, 1980

20) Jacobs S, Cook S, Svoboda M, Van Wyk JJ.  Interaction of the monoclonal antibodies alpha-IR-1 and alpha-IR3 with insulin and somatomedin-C receptors.  Endocrinol 118:223-226, 1986

21) Goustin AS, Leof EB, Shipley GD, Moses HL.  Growth factors and cancer.  Cancer Res 46:1015-1029, 1986

22) Unterburger P, Sinop A, Noder w, et al.  Diabetes  mellitus  and  breast  cancer:  a retrospective follow-up study.  Onkologie 13:17-20, 1990

23) Yee D, Palk S, Lebovic GS, et al. Analysis of insulin-like growth-factor I gene expression: evidence for a paracrine role in human breast cancer. Mol Endocrinol 3:509-517, 1990

24) Hilf R.  Primary and permissive actions of insulin in breast cancer.  In:  Leung BS, ed.  Hormonal regulation of mammary tumors.  Montreal, Eden Press, 1982, Vol. 2, 123-137

25) Alabaster O, Vonderhaar BK, Shafie SM.  Metabolic modification by insulin enhances methotrexate cytotoxicity in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells.  Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 17:1223-1228, 1981

26) Oster JB, Creasey WA.  Enhancement of cellular uptake of ellipticine by insulin preincubation.  Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 17:1097-1103, 1981

27) Schilsky RL, Bailey BD, Chabner BA.  Characteristics of membrane transport of methotrexate by cultured human breast cancer cells.  Biochem Pharmacol 30:1537-1542, 1981

28) Shinitzky M, Henkart P.  Fluidity of cell membranes – current concepts and trends.  Int Rev Cytol 60:121-147, 1971

29) Jeffcoat R.  The biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and its control in mammalian liver.  Essays Biochem 15:1-36, 1979

30) Gasparro FP, Knobler RM, Yemul SS, Bisaccia E, Edelson RL.  Receptor mediated photo-cytotoxicity:  synthesis of a photoactivatable psoralen derivative conjugated to insulin.  Biochem Biophys Res Comm 141:502-209, 1986

31) Poznansky MJ, Singh R, Singh B.  Insulin:  carrier potential for enzyme and drug therapy.  Science 223:1304-1306, 1984

32) Ayre SG.  New approaches to the delivery of drugs to the brain.  Med Hypotheses 29:283-291, 1989

33) Gross GE, Boldt DH, Osborne CK.  Perturbation by insulin of human breast cancer cell kinetics.  Cancer Res 44:3570-3575, 1984

34) Paridaens R, Klijn JGM, Julien JP, et al.  Chemotherapy with estrogenic recruitment in breast cancer:  experimental background and clinical studies conducted by the EORTC breast cancer cooperative group.  Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 22:728, 1986

35) Van der Burg B, de Laat SW, van Zoelen EJJ.  Mitogenic stimulation of human breast cancer cells in a growth-factor defined medium:  synergistic action of insulin and estrogens.  In:  Brescani F, King RGB, Lippman ME, Raynaud JP, eds.  Progress in Cancer Research and Therapy, vol. 35:  Hormones and Cancer 3.  New York, Raven Press, Ltd.  1988, 231-233.

36) Goldfine ID, Purello F, Vigneri R, and Clawson GA.  Direct regulation of nuclear functions by insulin:  relationship to mRNA metabolism.  In:  Czech MP, ed. Molecular Basic of Insulin Action.  New York, Plenum Press, 1985, 329-345.

37)Blood Brain Barrier Passage of Azidothyumidine in Rats: Effects of Insulin
Steven G. Ayre (1), Brian Skaletski (2) and Aron D. Mosnaim( 2). 
Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology JANUARY 1989 VOL.63, NO. 1. Departments of Family Medicine and Pharmacology and Molecular Biology , University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, IL 60064.

38)New Approaches to Delivery of Drugs to the Brain. S.G. Ayre. Medical Hypotheses 29:283-291, 1989

39)Insulin, chemotherapy, and the mechanisms of malignancy: the design and the demise of cancer. S.G. Ayre, M.D., D. P. Garcia Bellon, M.D., D. P. Garcia, Jr., M.D. Medical hypotheses 55.4 (2000): 330-334.

40)Low dose chemotherapy in combination with insulin for the treatment of metastatic tumors: C. Damyanov, M. Radoslavova, V. Gavrilov, D. Stoeva. Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria. Journal of BUON 14: 711-15, 2009.

41)Insulin Potentiation Therapy in the treatment of malignant neoplastic diseases: a three year study. Damyanov C, Gherasimova DM, Avramov LA, Masley IK (2012). J Cancer Sci Ther 4: 088-091. doi:10.4172/1948-5956.1000117

42)Low-Dose Chemotherapy with insulin (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) in combination with hormone therapy for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Damyanov, Christo, et al. ISRN urology 2012 (2012).

43)Metabolic Modification by Insulin Enhances Methotrexate Cytotoxicity in MCF-7 Human Breast Cells. Alabaster, O. Vonderhaar, B. and Shafie, S. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol. Vol 17, No. 11, pp 1223-1228. 1961. 

44)Insulin treatment in cancer cachexia: effects on survival, metabolism, and physical functioning. Lundholm K, Körner U, Gunnebo L, Sixt-Ammilon P, Fouladiun M, Daneryd P, Bosaeus I. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 May 1;13(9):2699 706.

45)Long-Term Effect of Diabetes and Its Treatment on Cognitive Function. Jacobson, Alan, N Engl J Med 2007; 356:1842-52.

46)Preclinical safety and antitumor efficacy of insulin combined with irradiation. Bénédicte F. Jordan, Nelson Beghein, Nathalie Crokart, Christine Baudelet, Vincent Gregoire, Bernard Gallez. Radiotherapy and Oncology 81 (2006) 112–117.

47)Insulin-induced enhancement of antitumoral response to methotrexate in breast cancer patients. Lasalvio-Prisco, Eduardo, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2004) 53: 220–224.

48)The effect of insulin on chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity in human esophageal and lung cancer cells. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2003 Feb 10;83(3):195-7. 

49)Pretreatment with insulin enhances anticancer functions of 5-fluorouracil in human esophageal and colonic cancer cells. Zou K, Ju JH, Xie H. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2007 May; 28(5):721-30. 

50)A pilot study of Auron Misheil Therapy (AMT) in patients with advanced cervical cancer: tumor response and its correlation with clinical benefit response, and preliminary quality of life data.” Scheele, Jürgen, et al. Oncology reports 22.4 (2009): 877-883.

51)Insulin in endometrial carcinoma chemotherapy: A beneficial addition and not a problem. Sha, Huilan, et al. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology [Medical Sciences] 30 (2010): 631-637.

52) Insulin for Everything. TIME magazine April 10, 1944

53)Long-Term Outcomes of the Treatment of Unresectable (Stage III - IV)Ductal Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy (MSCT): A Retrospective Study
Mehmet Salih Iyikesici1, Ayshe Slocum2*, Engin Turkmen3, Ovunc Akdemir4, Abdul Kadir Slocum5, Turgut Ipek6, Erhun Eyuboglu6, Ferhan Bulent Berkarda7

54)Efficacy of Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy Combined with Ketogenic Diet, Hyperthermia, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Stage IV Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Mehmet Salih İyikesici, Abdul Kadir Slocum, Ayshe Slocum, Ferhan Bulent Berkarda, Miriam Kalamian, andThomas N Seyfried. Cureus. 2017 Jul; 9(7): e1445.Published online 2017 Jul 7. doi:  10.7759/cureus.1445. PMCID: PMC5589510. Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler

Updated as of July 9, 2018. By Donato Perez Garcia, MD.


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