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2016 International Conference for IPT

2016 International Conference for IPT 

Agenda and Highlights
Sponsored by The Academy for IPT
Sofia, Bulgaria
October 14 - 15, 2016

Insulin Potentiation Therapy IPT©  or Insulin Potentiation low dose Therapy IPTLD®, it is a metabolic supported chemotherapy, sometimes called “MSCT”. It involves fasting, insulin and chemotherapy.

Combination of Biological Cancer Therapy and IPT - Dr. med Reinhard Probst

ABSTRACT: Dr. Probst is a specialist for alternative and complementary medicine and has his own practice in the city center of Munich. He has long term experience with the use of biological substances such as amygdalin, artesunate, and immunotherapy, Active Fever Therapy, etc. in cancer patients. Although these substances have sometimes strong effects on cancer cells, they often act too slowly in advanced stages. Therefore there was the need for a faster acting therapy without having too many side effects. The Insulin Potentiation Chemotherapy seemed to be the ideal addition to biological therapies or vice versa. The idea is to reduce the fast growing cells with IPT and then to maintain the success with biological substances. Dr. Probst will talk about his experience in combining these therapies over the last months, including his strategy in an example of a very progressed stage of metastasized pancreatic cancer.

Visit to Dr. Damyonov’s clinic - Drs. Damyanov, Pavlov, and Ivanov and their gracious staff hosted the group at their clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria where they offer numerous, and diverse methods to manage cancer including Insulin Potentiation Therapy, hyperthermia, and photodynamic therapy, amongst others. Therapies are personalized to the unique needs presented by the individual with a diagnosis of cancer. We are very proud of their Team and their work!
Dr. med Christo Damyanov, Dr. Ivan Maslev, and Dr. Vladamir Pavlov - Personalized Treatment Application in Integrative Oncology
ABSTRACT: The last 35 years Statistical data shows that the conventional treatment results are not relevant to the patients’ survival rate improvement. The concept of standard oncology demonstrates a lot of disadvantages, which remarkably limit the therapeutic effectiveness. Recently, a new approach appears to be more interesting, the so called “Personalized Treatment.” Hopefully, this is going to be the basis for achievement of better curable results. Molecular biology advancement has given the possibility personalized treatment to be implemented. The use of chemosensitivity tests gives the opportunity for anticancer drugs to be tested and each patient to be treated under personal combination of it.  The initial results are promising. Another option for testing of anticancer drugs, food supplements and tumor sensitivity are Autonomic Muscular Tests (AMT). The American physician Dr. Omura has elaborated and patented the AMT, which has exposed outstanding opportunities for drugs selection. Since 2012 we have started to use chemosensitivity test for circulating tumor cells (CTC) and modified version of Dr.Omura’s AMT. Preliminary results shows similar effectiveness in determination of tumor chemosensitivity to the different methods. At present time our experience with  CTC test and AMT and deficient data doesn’t allow us to make definitive evaluation for the AMT clinical advantages accordingly, but it is a premise for future clinical trials.

 Dr. med Hartmut Baltin - From the Symptoms to the Root of Disease

Sachihiko Okuno MD - Reducing Chemotherapy-Related Side-effects with Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT): A Summary of Outcomes
ABSTRACT This presentation provides background on the socialized healthcare system of Japan and how the author has begun to integrate the practice of IPT into this system. The therapy shows particular applicability in the elderly with cancer, where it is of particular value as a palliative measure. Seven case studies will be presented.

Florian Shilling – Cancer and Metabolic Disease
ABSTRACT: Metabolic approaches to fight cancer are a fast developing field of research. Also the basic changes in cell metabolism are well known since the work of Otto Warburg in the twenties of last century, we since had to learn that there is nothing like a standard cancer metabolism. Despite the fact that aerobic glycolysis might be dominating metabolism in many cancer cells, there are some other crucial pathways we have to consider. Concerning therapeutic options, it might be necessary to determine the metabolism of every individual case to see good results. Integrating this aspect into the treatment concept offers a wide range of therapeutical consequences. This comprises directly tumoricidal effects by manipulating the cancer cell’s energy production, sensitizing the cancer cells by bringing down important resistance mechanisms against other approaches like IPT, PDT, Radiotherapy and/or Hyperthermia. The individually found metabolism of the cancer has also consequences on the nutritional level.This lecture shall show the hallmarks of cancer metabolism, its direct connection to oncogenesis, different  pharmacological approaches to impair this metabolism as well as the therapeutical potential that comes from combining and cross-linking metabolic approaches with other well known anti cancer procedures. A special focus will be the combination with integrative approaches like IPT, PDT, Ketogenic diet and Hyperthermia.

Martin Freiharr Rosen - Best Practices in IPT: Highlighting Patient Safety
ABSTRACT: In the wake of the very unfortunate deaths of three cancer patients being investigated in Germany, the author details best practices particular to Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT), emphasizing patient safety, particularly in relation to combining it with other therapies that could be potentially harmful.

Rebecca Ayre-Stealey RN - Insulin as Immunotherapy - the Work of Albert Fay Hill
ABSTRACT: Albert Fay Hill was a Presbyterian minister who dedicated his life to developing an immune-activating therapy for cancer after he lost his wife to the disease in 1969. His work with cancer research was his passion until his own death from the disease in 2014.  Named GIK (glucose, insulin, and potassium) this presentation outlines the effects of insulin as an immunotherapy as well as presents ways in which the current IPT protocol might be enhanced to take full advantage of this phenomenon.

Sponsor: Clinovital
Mr. Krum Bardarov, PhD was so good as to share with us samples and his dissertation work on scientifically documenting the many health benefits of Clinopodium Vitale or wild basil.  Mr. Bardarov has based his work on that of his mentor Professor Yanchev. Referencing its potentially huge capacity to prevent many lifestyle-related disease, including cancer, Professor Yanchev is quoted as saying, “If we substituted wild basil for Coke, we would save one small town annually only in Bulgaria.” Mr. Bardarov has devoted his efforts to formulating a nutritional food supplement where the health benefits of the Clinopodium Vitale can be fully utilized, without the naturally bitter taste of the herb!


Mr. Bardarov can be reached by email at:

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Please consider joining us next year for the

13th Annual International IPT Conference

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Group & Events Executive

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