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“A study of mammograms spanning 25 years and thousands of patients have come to a startling conclusion: mammograms appear to be useless, at best”.

The New York Times reports that the study, published on Tuesday in the British Medical Journal, has shaken the medical community in part because it’s one of the most thorough studies of the procedure to date.“Researchers tracked more than 89,835 Canadian women, half of whom were randomly assigned to mammogram screenings. The other half had no mammograms and performed breast exams on themselves.Twenty-five years later, the researchers found an identical rate of breast-cancer deaths in both groups. The mammograms’ only discernible impact was to elevate the diagnosis rate by 22%, or “overdiagnose” patients who were suffering from nonlethal forms of cancer and therefore could have avoided surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments”.

Twenty five year follow-up for breast cancer incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study: randomised screening trial.
BMJ 2014; 348 doi: (Published 11 February 2014)
Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g366
Conclusion Annual mammography in women aged 40-59 does not reduce mortality from breast cancer beyond that of physical examination or usual care when adjuvant therapy for breast cancer is freely available. Overall, 22% (106/484) of screen detected invasive breast cancers were over-diagnosed, representing one over-diagnosed breast cancer for every 424 women who received mammography screening in the trial.

Dr.Donato's opinion: Do we have something better? Most likely yes and less damaging to the breast tissue, consider Breast Thermography: simple and reliable. Also if breast mammography screening is failing, current medical treatments are not addressing the breast cancer properly. There is no treatment that can guarantee a cure. Cancer can be effectively controlled when the treatment is the right one for the patients clinical condition. Insulin Potentiation Therapy + targeted Low Dose IPTLD® or IPT, is a cancer treatment alternative. It uses a combination of two orthodox drugs - insulin (actually insulin is also found in nature) and a chemotherapy drug combination. Cancer cells have highly active insulin receptors.

With IPTLD® the insulin works on the cell membranes and allows chemotherapy to target cancer cells. Thus, it is the chemotherapy that kills the cancer cells, however, because of the insulin, the amount of chemotherapy needed is greatly reduced, meaning the side-effects of the chemotherapy are greatly reduced. Thus, the chemotherapy is much more potent (thus the word: potentiation), much less chemotherapy is needed, and far less side-effects are experienced.

Insulin is truly a "magic bullet" cancer treatment, meaning it allows chemotherapy to target cancer cells and results in far less side-effects.

The word "potentiate" means that one substance (insulin) enhances the effectiveness of another agent (chemotherapy) and thus far less of the second agent (chemotherapy) is needed. This means far less side-effects, as well as a more effective treatment, is the result of a potentiating substance.
Not only is IPTLD more effective than normal chemotherapy, it can be administered more frequenly, but with less side-effects.
Consider the following doses of chemotherapy required by orthodox medicine versus IPTLD therapists (i.e. orthodox dose to IPTLD dose):

1) Cisplatin (150 mg to 15 mg)
2) 5-Fluorouracil (1,500 mg to 200 mg)
3) Cyclophosphamide (1,500 mg to 200 mg)
4) Methotrexate (60 mg to 10 mg)
5) Doxorubicin (100 mg to 10 mg)

Using insulin is safe as long as the physician administering the treatment has been properly trained and has a valid certification. Since the early discovery IPT has been a safe treatment that controls cancer for longer periods (+ 10 yeas or more). Since IPTLD® works there are several physicians claiming their expertise, BEWARE not all have been properly trained or continued with their education. For a list of Certified IPT/IPTLD® practitioners endorsed by Donato Perez Garcia,MD go to:
For more information on I.P.T. visit:


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