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Showing posts from December, 2016

Insulin Potentiation Therapy, IPT© or IPTLD® is a Metabolic Supported Chemo Therapy. Now in Japan

Japanese Book on Insulin Potentiation Therapy just published and released to the public in (Osaka, Japan 2016) IPT© or IPTLD® a Metabolic Supported Chemo Therapy. Involves fasting, insulin and chemotherapy   Dr.Sachihiko Okuno,MD (left) presenting the IPT Book in Japanese to Dr.Donato Perez Garcia,MD. October 16, 2016. Sofia, Bulgaria during the XII Annual Conference on IPT. A few years ago a Medical Doctor practicing Medicine in Osaka, Japan, Sachihiko Okuno, MD., decided to learn about Insulin Potentiation Therapy, IPT© or IPTLD® and got the basic information from Steven G Ayre, MD a student of Donato Perez Garcia, MD. Dr. Okuno after observing that patients had a good response to this medical procedure went ahead and took a workshop to get his Certificate as a Licensed IPT Practitioner with Donato Perez Garcia, MD. After practicing IPT for a few years he was very pleased with the results and decided to write the book with the authorization of Dr. Donato P...
CO NGRATULATIONS TO DOCTOR DONATO PEREZ GARCIA, MD. IN RECEIVING HIS LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2015 by the Global Quality Foundation.   A truly remarkable recognition for a lifetime of professional trajectory, helping patients worldwide, promoting high quality standards in his field, helping build a better humane development.     The Global Quality Foundation has awarded Donato Pérez García, the International Award “Global Quality Gold” in the Elite category, recognized as “Man of High Leadership 2015” . In the grand event, celebrated on February 23rd 2015 in Mexico City, an award was presented to Dr. Donato in recognition to his leadership, outstanding professional trajectory for promoting recognition to high quality standards and dedication, support that sustains economic and social development, as well as activities that will inspire many generations to come.   The award is given and organized by t...

2016 International Conference for IPT

2016 International Conference for IPT  Agenda and Highlights Sponsored by The Academy for IPT Sofia, Bulgaria October 14 - 15, 2016 Insulin Potentiation Therapy IPT©  or Insulin Potentiation low dose Therapy IPTLD®, it is a metabolic supported chemotherapy, sometimes called “MSCT”. It involves fasting, insulin and chemotherapy. Combination of Biological Cancer Therapy and IPT - Dr. med Reinhard Probst ABSTRACT: Dr. Probst is a specialist for alternative and complementary medicine and has his own practice in the city center of Munich. He has long term experience with the use of biological substances such as amygdalin, artesunate, and immunotherapy, Active Fever Therapy, etc. in cancer patients. Although these substances have sometimes strong effects on cancer cells, they often act too slowly in advanced stages. Therefore there was the need for a faster acting therapy without having too many side effects. The Insulin Potentiation Chemotherapy seemed to be the...