Like many scientific and technological discoveries in history, they are born out of a great necessity. A simple idea that grows, becomes perfected and expands. That is also how IPT was born. It was an absence of health, a constant infirmity of a man who had the vision to connect medicine’s new discoveries, applying it to his long life illness. It was this same need that awaked in him the search for a cure. First for himself, then his patients and, years later, for patients worldwide. That man was my grandfather, Dr. Donato Pérez García (I), discoverer and founder of the medical protocol that we know now as “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”. We are in an era of transition, where the global rate only increases, filled with changes that require adaptability, to further our labor as medical doctors in health. Surgery, Radiation and traditional Chemotherapy are not the only treatment options for cancer patients. IPT offers som...
The International Academy for IPT/IPTLD® is the official professional organization of IPT/IPTLD® physicians and was established to oversee the ethical, professional, scientific and business related development of IPT/IPTLD® within each member’s respective community and our global society at large.