Dr.Donato Perez Garcia and Dr. Birgit Bender 2014 Hospital Angeles Tijuana Congratulations to our New Certified I.P.T. Physician, Dr. Birgit Bender, from Germany, in completing her training and certification with Dr. Donato Pérez García, Tijuana-Mexico, December 2014. You can also train to be a Certified I.P.T. Physician, visit: Academy for I.P.T. For the certification of a future I.P.T. candidate, trained and evaluated by Donato Pérez García, M.D., he/she must have at least 5 years experience as a Licensed Medical Doctor. Theoretical and Practical Training and a thorough evaluation and supervision by Dr. Donato to certify the next I.P.T. Physician is Competent in: 1) Patient Care and Procedural Skills. 2) Demonstration of competence in medical knowledge relevant to Insulin Potentiation Therapy. Observing the candidate's ability to explain indications, counter indications, methods...
The International Academy for IPT/IPTLD® is the official professional organization of IPT/IPTLD® physicians and was established to oversee the ethical, professional, scientific and business related development of IPT/IPTLD® within each member’s respective community and our global society at large.