Dr.Donato’s letter of Inauguration “I.P.T. Anti-Piracy M.D. Week” Greetings Colleagues and Medical Practitioners: Today I am launching a special campaign through LinkedIN and the Academy for IPT Facebook page, concerning an important issue that has been growing through out the last years and it's a matter of great concern to all health practitioners: Medical Piracy. For the last 18 months I’ve come across many patients who’ve shared with me their stories of negative health and financial experiences with medical doctors allegedly trained in Insulin Potentiation Therapy or I.P.T. / IPTLD but were never certified nor trained by me. Many patients over the world in search for hope using an alternative treatment have seek for IPT/IPTLD offered by some health practitioners and organizations calling themselves I.P.T. practitioners and trainers, but who are in fact a fraud and have no legal authority to train in “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”. This is a very...
The International Academy for IPT/IPTLD® is the official professional organization of IPT/IPTLD® physicians and was established to oversee the ethical, professional, scientific and business related development of IPT/IPTLD® within each member’s respective community and our global society at large.