JUEVES 14 RESPECT FOR I.P.T. AND ITS FOUNDER. Today’s topic on the “I.P.T. Certified-M.D. Awareness Week” speaks about respect to a great man that left us a legacy that today has helped and improved the lives of many patients all over the world. The family legacy of 3 generations of devoted doctors, that have struggled and fought very hard to bring forth this medical treatment called Insulin Potentiation Therapy. Each of these 3 generations has had to make great sacrifice and hard work to make this option available to people from around the world. I.P.T. didn’t spread by it self, it’s been decades of devotion and care from these doctors and colleagues, and that must be valued and respected. It has been said that the 4th generation will be the I.P.T. doctors around the globe; this treatment must be shared with other doctors, for the benefit of the patient. But this contribution should be done with respect and honor to the founder and descendant of Donato Pérez Garc...
The International Academy for IPT/IPTLD® is the official professional organization of IPT/IPTLD® physicians and was established to oversee the ethical, professional, scientific and business related development of IPT/IPTLD® within each member’s respective community and our global society at large.