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JUEVES 14 RESPECT FOR I.P.T. AND ITS FOUNDER. Today’s topic on the “I.P.T. Certified-M.D. Awareness Week” speaks about respect to a great man that left us a legacy that today has helped and improved the lives of many patients all over the world. The family legacy of 3 generations of devoted doctors, that have struggled and fought very hard to bring forth this medical treatment called Insulin Potentiation Therapy. Each of these 3 generations has had to make great sacrifice and hard work to make this option available to people from around the world. I.P.T. didn’t spread by it self, it’s been decades of devotion and care from these doctors and colleagues, and that must be valued and respected. It has been said that the 4th generation will be the I.P.T. doctors around the globe; this treatment must be shared with other doctors, for the benefit of the patient. But this contribution should be done with respect and honor to the founder and descendant of Donato Pérez Garc...


We’ve exposed our concern for your safety, as patient or someone looking for this treatment option. In today’s topic for the “I.P.T. Certified-M.D. Awareness Week” we want you to know the actual physical risks you take when not choosing an officially certified I.P.T Physician. 
Since the beginning of Insulin Potentiation Therapy back in 1930, medical procedures and pharmaceutical drugs have change tremendously and no doubt will continue evolving without end.  New and better drugs are available today, new discoveries in the knowledge of the human body, research and clinical trials in the combination of pharmaceutical compounds, etc. I.P.T has also been evolving and modifications are being made constantly made to better the treatment, use better medication or change dosage and methodology that can prevent discomfort, thus enhancing its potency. Just so you have and idea, here’s a list of some of the modifications made to I.P.T. since its beginning:
1. Difference...

Medical Doctors: Join us at the 9th Global Conference for IPT & IPTLD (2013)

To join, contact: (only for medical doctors) Donato Pérez García, M.D. President of the Academy for IPT & Organizer of the 9 th Global Conference for IPT. Ave. Paseo de los Héroes #10999 Int.607, Zona Río, México. Tel. +664-635-1834

The Academy for IPT

The Academy for IPT has been established as a school for IPT. Its head and technical leader is established by Dr. Donato Pérez García, as the link to the inventor, founder and discoverer of this medical protocol. It is open to all doctors committed to their career, who want further education and gain experience in this procedure, willing participants who want to contribute to this academy. We have regional presidents and colleagues from all over the world. Owning a diploma for IPT training is not enough, we ask that you continue research to new developments in this procedure, to assure this, new doctors will get temporary certificates that will automatically extend if you continue being active in this group. Each year we will have an IPT Congress given by active participants and lecturers. If you are interested in joining the International Academy please contact us. Training workshops for Medical Doctors If you’re a medical doctor seeking train...